ISO 22301 is an international standard that could be applied to all types of organizations that are operating in different industries.
ISO 22301 is especially important for organizations that are operating in high-risk environments, such as facilities, financial services, oil, gas, transportation, telecommunications, food and beverage production, or the organizations in the public sector, where the organizational or business continuity is important.
It is an overall management that establishes strategies and plans in the current situation and performs them when important business is stopped due to a disaster or an accident so that the customers could resume essential businesses within the given time.
- To take actions towards the abruptly changing management environment
- The increase of various unexpected risks
- The increase of customers’ needs about organizational resilience
- Establishment of actionable plans for crisis
- Actions towards key stakeholders, such as customers and shareholders, regarding business continuity
- Improvement of business value in the aspects of sustainability, management stability, and reliability

GSC will work hard to effectively contribute to the reinforcement of organizations’ competitiveness by establishing a risk management culture within organizations through our evaluation work of ISO 22301 and helping organizations to get acknowledged on their disaster/risk management abilities.