Product certification is the process by which a third party provides written assurance that a product, process, or service meets specified requirements.
GSC is an organization that performs product certification work. Following KS Q ISO/IEC 17065 (Conformity assessment-requirements for product, process, and service certification institutions) of the Korea Accreditation System (KAS) of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, the National Institute of Technology and Standards, we are preparing to become an internationally accredited product certification institution.
Currently, GSC provides various product certification services through agreements with a number of overseas organizations such as AIBI, GIG-GFCO, and AGW.
GSC is still expanding its scope to provide various global product certification services.
For product certification related inquiries, please contact GSC.

If you are interested in a certification offered by GSC, please contact us via email (, phone, or Kakao Talk.