PETA APPROVED VEGAN People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
- An animal rights organization established in 1980 to establish and defend the rights of all animals
- The largest animal rights organization in the world, with over 6.5 million members and supporters
- Focused on the four areas where animals suffered the most over a long period of time: laboratory, food industry, clothing trade, and entertainment business.
- Perform public education, abuse investigation, research, animal rescue, law enforcement, events, celebrity participation, protest campaign, etc.
Beauty without bunnies

- A program that assures consumers that the business has met PETA's Animal Test Free requirements.
- A company that has obtained certification must answer questions and sign a letter of endorsement confirming that it does not conduct or pay for animal testing on ingredients, formulations or finished products
- If the pledge is violated, the violation will be legally processed.
Necessity and Expected Outcomes of the Certification
- PETA is a certification of a reputable US animal rights organization
- It is a company/brand unit certification. The logo can be used on all products within the company after the initial certification (no separate renewal period)
- The logo can be used as a design; logos for Europe/USA are issued separately
Certification Process

Certification Requirements
- Prohibition of animal testing
- Pledge on not conducting or requesting animal testing on ingredients, formulations, and finished products
- The product must not be sold anywhere where there is a law that requires animal testing on finished products (ex. China, etc.)

GSC has auditors with various experiences in all industries. We will do our best to help our customers improve their global quality management system.